About us

We are a hard working, family of eight. Swimming in the sea when we aren't busy on our small holding. Daddy dragon has to work away a lot, so this blog is to let him keep up with our adventures at home.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Using the picnic table

The turkeys like to stand and groom themselves on our picnic table. 

Which is currently beyond yucky for picnicking.

Hopefully a pressure wash and a new coat of paint will breath new life in to it come spring.

Until then, it is their perch.

They roost on my not so welcome mat too...

I don't think they care about my opinions on these things.

I do think, however, that my post lady has some opinions though, about the family with the rather large dogs, and birds... 

I've gotten her a bottle of brandy and a tin of celebrations for Christmas. 

I hope it will makes a dent in the thank you she deserves for tolerating my overly affectionate animals.

Contrary to appearances, these turkeys believe they are lap pets. 

They don't see a need for someone to come and go quickly. 

Like a busy post lady.

They chase her to her van, and churip at her to stroke them, and maybe even let them push their way into her vehicle.

Yeah, she is a patient lady.

Referencing a conversation about trying to get a beach ball in an oven.

I thought the picnic table provided a good size reference.

I sure hope that won't be a problem.

This pic has a female Cambridge bronze turkey standing next to the male Norfolk black. I've been pleasantly surprised how well the girls have kept up in size.

So, for photo reference, these are 18 week old turkeys.

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